Best Moment from Every MCU Movie Part Two
Okay, in part one, we tried something different. We discussed the highlights from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) thus far.
Specifically, we picked the best moments from every MCU movie. So, we’ve covered the first half already, and now we’ll talk about the rest.
Welcome to part two of the best moments from every MCU movie!
Captain America: Civil War
I had to start by sounding like a fanboy, but almost half the titles I’m about to distill are nearly perfect films.
With Captain America: Civil War, I could list several options, like the fact that the bad guy wins or the moment when Scarlet Witch accidentally blows up a building.
I even love the (now gross) kiss between Peggy Carter’s niece and Captain America that happens in front of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Their jocular behavior in the wake of the kiss is TREEmendous.
However, everyone knows that one scene in Civil War matters more than the rest. It’s the titular sequence when a bunch of Avengers fight at an airport.
Nothing beats that…maybe on this entire list.
Doctor Strange
I believe that Doctor Strange isn’t the most consistent movie in the MCU, but some of its scenes are as good as it gets.
The times when Strange trains are engaging, and the dizzying magical, multi-dimensional magic battles demonstrate the best in CGI effects.
Still, this movie is another one with a clear-cut winner.
Whenever anyone says, “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain,” you can’t help but smile at the memory, right?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
“I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!”
Spider-Man: Homecoming
The MCU has never done a more fitting job of casting than with the character of The Vulture.
Back in the day, Michael Keaton played Batman in what was the most successful movie ever up until then.
So, his introduction to the MCU as a villain somehow felt like a homecoming of sorts…in a movie with Homecoming in the title.

Photo: IMDb
I adore Keaton’s performance and cycled through several of his scenes while choosing.
I particularly admire the brilliance of the supervillain having a father/daughter’s date talk with his mortal enemy.
Even so, the scene that people remember the most from Homecoming is Peter Parker’s introduction to Tony Stark.
Iron Man susses out the location of Spider-Man’s costume in a matter of seconds, and he doesn’t miss a beat in the conversation while doing so.
Thor: Ragnarok
This one’s another hard call. The introductory scene where Thor escapes a fire demon sprung to mind first.
Then, I contemplated Thor’s intergalactic journey. And I certainly cannot overlook the gladiator scene where Hulk and Thor get reacquainted.
All these options are valid. However, I believe that Asgard’s last stand matters the most. Plus, its usage of Immigrant Song is sublime.
Black Panther
This movie is another one that’s hard to pin down to a single great moment. Much of the film is perfect and deserving of mention.
Killmonger has his moments, especially when he’s in the museum and near the plane.
Meanwhile, Black Panther’s first battle to prove himself the rightful ruler of Wakanda sets the tone for who he is and how he will lead.

Credit: Vox
Also, the casino fight that spills into the streets delivers one of the best action sequences in the MCU to date.
Despite all the other worthy options, I settled on the obvious one, though.
The battle for Wakanda to overthrow Killmonger works on so many levels.
This fight pits lovers against one another, changes locations multiple times, and has giant CGI animals! Who wouldn’t love it?
Avengers: Infinity War
The best movie was also, for a time, the most divisive. Thanos claims the final Infinity Stone, survives Thor’s assault, and then performs The Snap.
In the aftermath, half of the MCU’s residents turned into dust and evaporated.
Marvel bet everything on the patience and trust of its audience. They later rewarded the company by making the sequel the most successful film ever.
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I should mention two things here.
- I’m a huuuuge fan of Justified and its villain/antihero, Boyd Crowder, a character played by Walton Goggins.
- I think Ant-Man is the laziest character imaginable.
So, when Goggins squares off against Ant-Man and the Wasp, I’m rooting for the bad guy.
Despite my feelings, the Ant-Man sequel claims several highlights, many of which revolve around Ghost’s dazzling visuals.
However, the best moment occurs when the original Ant-Man travels to the Quantum Realm and saves his long-lost wife.
This scene also sets up a vital part of the storyline for Avengers: Endgame.
Captain Marvel
I’m not going to make any friends here, but I’ll come clean.
Out of the 11 films I’m discussing today, I had the hardest time with Captain Marvel.
The only two scenes that sprang to mind were ones that I knew were Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.
Of course, there’s also the Blockbuster scene that sells the 1990s premise for the film.
Then, I pulled up the movie and felt like an idiot. The best moment from Captain Marvel pays off a running joke.

Photo: Marvel
Detectors keep showing a cat as a terrible threat, and the explanation is that it’s actually an alien Flerken. It’s a creature dangerous enough to take out Nick Fury’s eye.
Also, I really need to re-watch Captain Marvel. I’ve forgotten a lot of it, which isn’t a good sign for a movie that’s less than 18 months old.
Avengers: Endgame
Eek! How do I pick just one?
Critics dismiss Avengers: Endgame as a glorified excuse for 150 minutes of fan service. And I’m all, “YEAH! THAT’S ALL I’VE EVER WANTED!!!”
Seriously, what’s the point of making a movie if you’re not trying to please your fans?
Endgame features so many highlights that I struggle to narrow the list down to a few. Off my head, there’s:
- Hawkeye-as-Ronan saying, “Don’t give me hope.”
- Ant-Man showing up at Avengers Mansion
- The female superheroes banding together
- Captain Marvel flying through a battlecruiser
- Smart Hulk posing for a selfie
- Captain America evaluating his own butt
- A new Captain America revealed
- Thor summoning Mjolnir right by Captain Marvel’s face
- Thor going for Thanos’ head the second time
- Tony Stark bonding with his father
- Steve Rogers finally getting his dance with Peggy Carter
I could keep going, but I’ve made my point. Ultimately, I think most people would vacillate between three moments.
The choices are “I am Iron Man!”, “On your left!” and Captain America wielding Mjolnir.
I don’t think you can go wrong with any of these. However, I cannot forget the crowd reaction when Steve Rogers picks up that hammer.
As such, I must vote for it. Seriously, watch that video. People lost their ever-loving minds.
Spider-Man: Far from Home
I so badly want to reward the producers of Spider-Man for the usage of Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan.
This character was the most loyal friend to Tony Stark and sought to offer his services to Peter Parker.
Happy even helps build a super-suit while AC/DC plays in the background. Alas, the kid blows it by not knowing the name of the band. It’s a perfect Marvel moment.
Still, something else in this movie beats it.
At a young age, Zendaya has already established herself as a master of deadpan delivery. And that’s on full display with her big reveal.
Mary Jane has figured out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
The moment is absolutely hysterical. Even better, it hearkens back to Parker’s first meeting with Stark.
Apparently, I’m a sucker for Peter Parker having his secret identity exposed.
Okay, where do you agree and disagree with me? Let us know in the comments!