Was Oscar Isaac Inadvertently Confirmed as Moon Knight by Feige?
Over the weekend, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel Studios CCO Kevin Feige may have confirmed the longstanding rumor that Oscar Isaac will be playing the eponymous role on the upcoming Moon Knight Disney+ series.
(What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
The inadvertent confirmation (if indeed inadvertent confirmation it was) took place during a press event for The Falcon and the Winter Solider, premiering at midnight tonight on Disney+.

Anthony Mackie and Oscar Isaac. Photo: Broadway.com
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. As Marvel Blog reported yesterday, both stars were asked which Phase Four Marvel Cinematic Universe characters they hope to act alongside in the upcoming movies and Disney+ streaming series, and the answer was quite interesting…
Now this information is where the inadvertent confirmation may have taken place: Stan remarked that he would like to appear beside Issac in the upcoming series, which he accidentally misstated as “Knight Moon.”

Photo: Marvel
While Mackie quickly corrected him on how you say Marc Spector’s alias (perhaps setting the tone for the odd-couple bromance we’re about to see play out on screen), the key element in this equation is the fact that Feige – who was right there – presumably would have corrected Stan if his supposition that Isaac was playing Moon Knight was incorrect.
It’s a Hawke, It’s a Moon, It’s Oscar Isaac?
In addition to the rumors that Isaac will be appearing in the Moon Knight Disney+ series as the titular Spector, reports also indicate that Ethan Hawke will be appearing as the show’s villain. And according to interviews with Hawke, he wanted the role because it would give him a chance to work alongside Isaac, so it seems pretty likely that we’ll be seeing the Star Wars alum in the role of Spector.

Photo: The Ringer
Is there any actor in Hollywood who isn’t dying to work alongside Issac? Which one of the many already-introduced MCU characters will get a chance to appear in Moon Knight on Disney+? Here at Marvel Blog, we’re waiting with bated breath!
1 Response
[…] Details surrounding Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight are slim, but the show is slated to start production soon, and will premiere sometime in 2022 after the She-Hulk series. Although Isaac hasn’t been officially confirmed by Disney or Marvel Studios as Marc Spector, the secret is all but out, even Marvel boss Kevin Feige inadvertently confirmed it, which you can read more about here at Marvel Blog. […]