Well Marvel Blog True Believers, this is the last week that we get tie-in one-shots for the Heroes Reborn event. And, well, I’m going to miss them! I didn’t expect to like this event so much when I started it, but although these one-off issues could have been a bunch of throwaways, instead, they have been a fun batch of metafictional mayhem! And that tradition is continued with Heroes Reborn: Weapon X & Final Flight #1 by Ed Brisson, Roland Boschi, Chris O’Halloran, and Cory Petit, with a main cover by Tony Daniel and Marcelo Maiolo.

Weapon X & Final Flight #1. Photo: Marvel Comics
As Marvel Blot True Believers are already aware, we’ve been classifying these one-shots as either “New-Ish 52-Ish” or “What If…?” and this final issue is definitely the latter.
What If Logan Fought Back?
Over the course of the Heroes Reborn event, we’ve seen what happens to the Marvel Universe if the Avengers never existed. But in this issue, we get the answer to the question: “What If… one of the other Marvel heroes fought back against the Squadron Supreme in the absence of the Avengers?” That hero is Wolverine!

What If Logan Fought Back? Photo: Marvel Comics
However, faced with impossible odds, Logan can’t quite be as heroic as he’d like in Weapon X & Final Flight #1.

Photo: Marvel Comics
Over the course of the issue, we see a conflict with the Squadron Supreme of the United States that emphasizes their American heritage. And then, we get to see how Canada would be changed in this brave new world, as well.

Canada Tale. Photo: Marvel Comics
Without spoiling the ending of Weapon X & Final Flight #1, suffice to say that it’s one of the most brutal moments yet in Heroes Reborn… and this has not been an event that was without brutality! This haunting final note is a great overture as we head into the final issue of Heroes Reborn next week.

Photo: Marvel Comics
The Final Countdown
Well, I may have been skeptical about Heroes Reborn back in the first issue, in the weeks since, the story has completely won me over! I would definitely recommend picking up this event, especially if you’re new to comics and have no idea where to start because Heroes Reborn switches up the entire status quo!

Weapon X & Final Flight #1. Photo: Marvel Comics
Have you had a chance to check out any of the issues, including Weapon X & Final Flight #1, in this event? Let us know what you thought of them in the comment section below!