REVIEW: In HEROES REBORN #6, Power Princess Gets Smashy
In the main story of Heroes Reborn #6, “The Last Utopian Meets the Last Son of the Gods” by Jason Aaron, Erica D’urso, Jason Keith, and Cory Petit, readers find out more about Power Princess, a New-ish 52-ish take on Wonder Woman.

Heroes Reborn #6. Photo: Marvel Comics
Princess Zarda
While we’ve already been introduced to Power Princess in earlier Heroes Reborn tales, the “The Last Utopian Meets the Last Son of the Gods” story gives us the chance to get to know her more intimately, in the same way that we learned more about Doctor Spectrum in Heroes Reborn #4.

Heroes Reborn #6. Photo: Marvel Comics
We learn Power Princess isn’t all bad: for example, she does beat up a lot of Nazis. However, also just like Doctor Spectrum, she seems like she is really unfit for the job of “Earth’s protector,” and it’s not because she comes from an utopian island of women who could drink you under the table.

Power Princess and Namor. Photo: Marvel Comics
Like many of the other heroes who protect this version of Earth, Power Princess readily uses force to solve any problem that comes her way… and she kind of seems to enjoy it.

Photo: Marvel Comics
This brutal method of keeping the people of Earth under their thumb seems to be the Modus Operandi for the Squadron Supreme of America, the superhero team that works for President Coulson in this reality.

Land of the free? Photo: Marvel Comics
“Drunk History”
In the second story included in this issue, “Drunk History” by Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matthew Wilson, and Petit, we see how Thor spent his life on Midgard as Power Princess grew up.

Drunk History. Photo: Marvel Comics
This story is great because it gives two kinds of history, showing us both the parallel timeline of Heroes Reborn and explaining what Thor has been up to. And kind of like his DC Comics counterparts, like Steve Trevor in anything and Soviet Superman in Superman: Red Son, Thor sits idly by as the world falls to pieces and Power Princess does all the work.

Heroes Reborn #6. Photo: Marvel Comics
Plus, I love the title of this story! It references the Comedy Central series, created by Derek Waters in 2007, in which a drunk host struggles to recount major moments in history (all while the audience actually learns a lot).

Petit does a fantastic job with the lettering in Heroes Reborn #6. Photo: Marvel Comics
The Final Countdown
In the panels of Heroes Reborn #6, it seems as though the Squadron Supreme has the Avengers in their sights! Can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes successfully reform and return the world to the state that its supposed to be in, or will we be stuck with these New-ish 52-ish heroes for the rest of time?

Where have all the good guys goooonnnnee? Photo: Marvel Comics
We’ll be heading to our local comic shop next week to find out – won’t you, Marvel Blog True Believers?