Doctor Strange 2 Heads Into Reshoots
In an article posted to The Hollywood Reporter on Friday, November 15th, 2021, it was reported that Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness would be taking part in reshoots through the end of the year. The article included a bunch of lame “doctor on-call” jokes about “prescriptions,” but here at Marvel Blog, we promise to maintain the spirit of the original Doctor Strange comics by only making references to psychedelics.
Reshoots: Part of Most Movies
There’s a popular media narrative that everytime a movie goes into reshoots, there must be some kind of “discord” or “problem” on the set. However, it is actually common practice for most movies, especially when you’re dealing with big-budget special effects bonanzas like, you know, every single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie.

Doctor Strange in the movies will be fine. Doctor Strange in the comics…? Photo Credit: Marvel Comics
Reshoots can include everything from small details like re-doing a shot so a transition is more natural, to fully redoing entire scenes or even subplots.
According to the THR article, both director Sam Raimi and head writer Michael Waldron continue to be present, working on the additional material and ensuring there will be narrative continuity between the originally shot material and the reshoots, which are taking place in Los Angeles rather than London, where most of the movie was filmed.
And in an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Cumberbatch confirmed that he gets most of his shooting scripts the morning of the shoot — probably to avoid spoiler incidents like the one executed by unprofessional Variety critic Matt Donnelly minutes after he saw Eternals (and weeks before anyone else could see it).

Will Wanda be reshooting? Photo Credit: Marvel Studios.
While the THR article confirms that Benedict Cumberbatch is present on the set, it isn’t clear what other actors might be reshooting.
Multiverse of Madness Reshoots
Will you be seeing Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness when it arrives in theaters in 2022? We want to hear from you, Marvel Blog True Believers! Let us know what you’re thinking in the comment section.