We Have A Theory… ‘Hawkeye’ Will Give Clint Barton The Steve Rogers Treatment
Welcome to the very first of our new weekly series, We Have A Theory, or as we like to call it, W.H.A.T; This week we discuss that incredible Hawkeye series, and why we think it’s setting up to give Clint Barton the Steve Rogers Treatment.
Hawkeye has debuted with a fantastic two-episode premiere, followed by an equally as great third episode; with the focus on Clint Barton, and his uninvited protege as they seek to protect the innocent from the enemies of his past as the violent Ronin.

Source: Marvel Studios
The series dives deeper into themes of heroism, inspiration, and consequences; but explores less of Clint Barton as a character, and more about how his actions have affected a future generation.
He fought relentlessly alongside the Avengers in the Battle for New York; inspiring a lifelong desire for Kate Bishop to live the life of a hero.

Source: Marvel Studios
Yet, he also went on a relentless quest for justice against the criminal underworld after the disappearance of his family; eliminating the loving father of Echo, and creating an unquenching resolve to get revenge on the person underneath the Ronin mask.
Although there is a lot of the series that forces Clint to confront his past- both good and bad- there is also the question hovering over the entirety of the series.

Source: Marvel Studios
What will happen to Clint Barton?
We know that so many of the original six Avengers are no longer present in the Marvel universe; with many paying the ultimate price.
So, as the future of the MCU comes clearer into focus, and the heroes of a past generation begin to find their place, viewers can’t help but wonder what the future holds for Clint.

Source: Marvel Studios
Well, we have a theory…Clint Barton will get the Steve Rogers treatment
Clint Barton is a father first; it has come to define nearly everything the character does, from retiring prior to Avengers: Age of Ultron, to saving Kate Bishop from the unintended consequences of her decision to wear the mask, to the revenge-driven rampage the engulfed the character prior to Avengers: endgame.

Source: Marvel Studios
All the way down to the sacrifice of his best friend, Natasha Romanoff, Clint’s family, and his commitment to them, heightens the stakes of Hawkeye and his eventual fate at its conclusion.
It is the very sacrifice of Natasha, however, that makes it impossible for Marvel to conclude Hawkeye with Clint’s death.

Photo: Marvel Studios
It is the preservation of his family that made Natasha give herself for the Soul Stone, and we believe that Hawkeye will end with Barton finally being able to hang up the bow and arrow and embrace life with his family.
Like Rogers, Marvel will give Clint the opportunity to trade in a life of service to the greater good, for his chance to choose himself; Barton will be selfish, and he’ll be able to fully embrace being a father.
But the beauty of Barton si that he will always be there, with the newfound understanding that he is a hero with the power to teach and inspire; until the MCU calls on him again, to lead forward a new generation once more; just like he has done with Kate Bishop.