We Have A Theory…Evil Strange Isn’t Who He Appears To Be
Welcome back to yet another installment of our W.H.A.T series, where we discuss some of our most interesting fan theories, this time focusing on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and why the final frame appearance of Evil Strange isn’t who he appears to be.
With Spider-Man: No Way Home bringing the concept of the multiverse to the forefront of the MCU, an entire universe of possibilities arises as to the multitude of directions the story can go next.

Photo: Marvel
With the botched spell, the former sorcerer supreme must face his unintended consequences in 2022’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness; Marvel’s most anticipated film of the year, and the unraveling of the very delicate fabric of the multiverse.
The film’s first trailer debuted to a tremendous reaction and gave fans a lot to theorize over. From the first appearance of America Chavez and Gargantos to the return of Wong and Wanda, the latest MCU installment came clearer into focus.

Source: Marvel Studios
One of the most interesting aspects of the trailer was the appearance in the final frame, signifying that the Supreme Strange that debuted in Marvel’s What If…? series was navigating his way throughout the multiverse, to appear as the main villain of this film.
But, is it really Supreme Strange? Could it be someone else?

Doctor Strange Supreme in Marvel Studios’ WHAT IF…? exclusively on Disney+. Photo: Marvel Studios
Well, We Have a THeory…
The theory this week comes from Twitter use @Thenerduuniver1, who got us interested in the idea that the Evil Strange isn’t who he appears to be…

Source: Marvel Studios
What if the incarnation of Doctor Strange in the trailer isn’t actually that at all…what if he is the iconic Doctor Strange villain Nightmare…

Source: Marvel
The character was rumored to have a place in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and would open up a plethora of possibilities for the upcoming film.
So after seeing Supreme Strange i have a theory that it’s actually nightmare appearing as him
— Thenerdyuniverse (@Thenerdyuniver1) December 23, 2021
If it is Nightmare, then perhaps what Doctor Strange is fighting through isn’t the Multiverse at all, but simply the Nightmare-controlled dreamscape that is seeking to admonish humanity.
It would make sense, as Nightmare has canonical comic book connections to Shuma-Gorath, the tentacled villain who will appear in the film under a different name. While Nightmares’ appearance would also call for the live-action debut of Sleepwalker, the only character uncontrollable to Nightmare.

Source: Marvel
His comic book connections to both Doctor Strange and Gargantos make the theory rather enticing, with the menacing villain portraying himself as Stephen Stranges greatest fear; his immense power used for evil and the destruction of the multiverse at his hands.
Time will only tell, but Thenerdyuniverse definitely got us thinking of the limitless potential in the film, and how immensely cool it would be to introduce a villain so diabolical- and seemingly unstoppable- as Nightmare.

Source: Marvel Studios