MarvelBlog Retro Review: The Amazing Spider-Man #75
Ben is back! The iconic clone of Peter Parker has returned to his very own solo series as he returns to the red and blue in the first issue of the Marvel Beyond arc with The Amazing Spider-Man #75.
There are few Marvel characters that have as tragic a story as Ben Reilly, and he finally gets his chance to fully embrace the mantel of Spider-Man on the heels of a horrible situation that Marvel’s Peter Parker finds himself in.

Source: Marvel
Following the death of Harry Osborne that preceded in The Amazing Spider-Man #74, Peter Parker is being faced with nightmares regarding his upbringing.
A heavy burden has fallen on our beloved Spider-Man, as he is nearly drowning under his own grief, with his only reprieve coming in the small freeing moments of swinging amidst the city; only this time, he’s not alone.

Source: Marvel
The issue really starts with Peter’s Spider-Man confronting a brand new Spider-Man swinging above the same cityscape; yet, when Peter attempt to question him, he’s unable to truly get close.
That’s when a beloved Marel character makes his return, with Ben Reilly explaining to Peter that The Beyond Corporation now owns the trademark of Spider-Man, and is getting in the superhero game; choosing the Peter PArekr clone to be the man under the iconic mask.

Source: Marvel
The news comes as an unfortunate reality for Peter but doesn’t stop him from continuing his life of heroism under the mask until things get a little complicated.
The issue presents one of the more interesting dichotomies that the character has endured yet; with Ben Reilly now being Spider-Man, and Peter under immense pressure to put the mask away.

Source: Marvel
It mirrors the clone saga, the story that forced Ben Reilly to put all of his memories as Peter Parker away, and embrace life as something new; Peter is given the same ultimatum, with him being forced to focus on healing the pain associated with the death of Harry.
The Amazing Spider-Man #75 is, among many things, justice for Ben Reilly, and it is beautifully done; the character that was given the shortest end of the stick throughout his life as a clone, Reily is the chosen Spider-Man now and embracing a life of luxury offered to him by the Beyond Corporation.

Source: Marvel
There is, undoubtedly, something brewing with Beyond, and with the issue ending with PEter being seriously poisoned, the justice given to Ben doesn’t come without cost; but the beautifully set p story by Zeb Wells presents a fresh take on a classic character.
Fans who adore Peter can still embrace the characters’ struggles, but the identity of Spider-Man feels fresh and oozing with potential; as Wells combines the inherent heroism of Reilly, with technology and finances that make him incredibly more capable than Peter.

Source: Marvel
The Amazing Spider-Man’s Beyond arc is off to a roaring start and brings a fantastic new addition to the Spider-Man lore.