‘Ms. Marvel’ Gets Official AvengerCon Website
One of the coolest aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universes’ newest series has already been teased coming to life, but fans can now dig deeper into the fantastic event as Ms. Marvel gets an official AvengerCon website.
It was something that was teased in the promotional campaign for the film and had so many fans curious and excited to see what it would actually entail.

Source: Marvel Studios
AvengerCon is easily one of the coolest in-universe easter eggs that Marvel has put in a series so far, and showcased how the story has developed over time, and how these various characters react to these heroes that exist in their very own world.
In the first episode of Marvel’s newest series, we see the story’s eponymous character doing whatever she can to make it out to what she notes is the very first AvengerCon ever; which is the perfect event for her considering how much she adores every hero in the Marvel Universe.

Source: Marvel Studios
She eventually ends up going, entering the Captain Marvel Cosplay Contest that was so important to her and taking in the incredible event that was designed to celebrate these heroes that have obviously become so important to these young people of the MCU.
Now, fans in our universe can actually take a deeper dive into this fantastic event as Ms. Marvel has gotten an official AvegnerCon website!

Source: Marvel Studios
It is located at the Web address www.newjerseyavengercon.com and acts as it is an actual in-universe website dedicated to chronicling what happened at the very first AvengerCon; with pictures, updates, and a look at several of the coolest components.
The event was already spoken about by several higher-ups at Marvel Studios who teased it possibly becoming a real thing in the future, and Marvel fans were certainly excited at the prospect.

Source: Marvel Studios
With events like Star Wars Celebration already becoming a massive singularly focused convention for these fandoms, it seems like only a matter of time until Marvel creates an event of their own.