How the ‘Ms. Marvel’ Finale has just Changed Everything…
The incredible finale to one of the MCU’s most engaging series yet has presented a fantastic adaptation of Kamala Khan that truly does justice to the character’s uniqueness, but there was also a moment in the Ms. Marvel finale that just changed everything in the MCU…
The most recent series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has given life to one of the most beloved characters in Marvel’s recent history and did so in a way that truly felt perfect for the young hero.

Source: Marvel Studios
Kamala Khan has long been adored by younger comic book fans, and despite the rather inconsistent viewership that the series has been confronted with, there is no denying the wildly consistent adoration for what Marvel has done with this newest project.
Yet, with the development of the brand new Marvel hero, there has come a revelation that is among the most important and jaw-dropping that could have possibly come out of the MCU’s Phase Four.
The reality is- and this is not hyperbole at all-that the Ms. Marvel finale has just changed everything…

Source: Marvel Studios
Now, with all of that being said, we are giving a massive SPOILER ALERT, as we are about to devel deep into some of the secrets that are revealed at the very end of the episode; so, if you haven’t watched the episode, go watch, and then come back here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Still with us? Okay, here we go…

Source: Marvel Studios
The very end of the episode showed Bruno confronting Kamala before he heads off to Caltech, and the interaction brought forth the utterance of a word that Marvel fans have been anxiously waiting ot hear spoken in the confines of the MCU.
Bruno confirmed that Kamala’s powers were not just the result of the bangle she was in possession of, or her Djinn relatives, but because her DNA contains anomalous mutations that he couldn’t quite explain in relation to her family’s DNA that he also tested.

Source: Marvel Studios
This marks what should be the very first introduction of Mutants in the MCU, as Mutated genes are the very basis for the species of human beings that had developed in the source material; creating the X-Men and the struggles to earn equality for mutant kind.
It is fascinating to consider that the MCU has adapted Kamala’s origin story to make her a mutant, as opposed to the comic books making her an Inhuman, and only time will tell where the story goes from here.

Source: Marvel Studios
One thing is absolutely certain, however; that the Ms. Marvel finale has changed everything…