Why Daredevil’s Yellow Suit is so Important…
It made waves when it was first shown to fans in the San Diego Comic-Con trailer for the upcoming She/ Hulk trailer, but just what’s the deal with the massive change to Matt Murdocks Suit? Well, we break down why Daredevil’s Yellow Suit is so important to the character.
If you ask Marvel fans what their favorite MCU project is, there is still a large sect of them that will mention Netflix’s incredible Daredevil series.

Source: Marvel Studios
It was a project that, at the time, had truly broken a barrier within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and told a story that felt more human than the massive intergalactic adventures that were taking place with nearly every theatrical release.
There was a true revitalization of the character of Matt Murdock that took place within the Daredevil series, as he was adapted to such an extraordinary degree that he quickly became one of the most fleshed out and explored Marvel heroes while existing completely outside of a movie theater.

Source: Marvel Studios
With the end of the Netflix and Marvel collaboration came the worry from fans that this would be the last of Daredevil, and that Charlie Cox’s iteration of the hero wouldn’t have a place in this newly formed Marvel Universe absent from that previous endeavor.
This isn’t the case, however, as Phase Four has proved that Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk are both present and accounted for; and set to be vital parts of the MCU moving forward.

Source: Marvel Studios
In his first project back, Murdock is set to be a part of the upcoming She/ Hulk series, and with a trailer teasing his new appearance, and an official image that showed his new look, there have been a lot of mixed reviews on this repackaged version of the character.
The truth of the matter is, however, that this was truly the only option to move the character forward; because there is no denying that Daredevils Yellow Suit is tremendously important…

Source: Marvel Studios
In the source material, Matt Murdock initially donned the yellow and red as an homage to his father- Battlin’ Jack Murdock- a boxer who, when he refused to throw a fight for a local mob boss, is gunned down in an alleyway.
The death of his father was the inciting incident that created the Daredevil- outside of the tragic accident that gave Murdock his powers- and it was the yellow and red suit that served as the reminder of why Daredevil was a vitality for Murdock.

Source: Marvel
It was through his dad’s boxing gear that Matt first put together the yellow suit, and although it may lack the mystique associated with the red suit he has better been known for, there is still something significant about the character’s narrative that is so closely tied to that original look.
That is why this change was so important.

Source: Marvel
in She/ Hulk, the MCU is reintroducing the character of Matt Murdock to us, as this is the same character that we know from his Netflix series, but it is also a Matt Murdock that we will uncover as his MCU appearances continue.
This was the way that Daredevil was first introduced to the world, and this was the way that Matt Murdock first crafted this superhero identity dedicated to protecting and defending the innocent, and this is the way that Marvel fans will see their beloved character step into the larger world of the MCU.
This is why Daredevil’s Yellow suit is so important.

Source: Marvel