Let’s Talk about Agatha All-Along Episode 1-8
Well, we’re definitely coming to a finish with Agatha All Along.
In the most recent episode, yet another character died, turning the Witches’ Road into a de facto witches’ burial ground.

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Don’t buy any real estate there is what I’m saying. Anyway, we’re down to three main characters, and I’m skeptical they all survive.
So, who’s dying this week? Let’s talk about Agatha All Along episode 1-8, the one with the huge shocking twist.

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Warning: There are obviously huge spoilers, one of which changes the perception of everything that has happened to date.
Please don’t read this until you’ve watched.
The Final Trial

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This episode begins with our old friend, Alice Wu, who awakens to notice her buddy, Rio Vidal.
Of course, we know that’s bad since Rio is also the Grim Reaper. Alice quickly realizes her body is on the floor.

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She follows Rio and shuffles off from her mortal coil And I’m guessing she won’t be the last witch to do it.
Speaking of which, back on the road, Jennifer informs Billy that Lilia has sacrificed herself to save the others.

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They’re still right by the exit, while Agatha has returned to the Witches’ Road. Rio is waiting there, where they have a face-off.
As Death notes, the bodies are piling up. She’s also figured out that Agatha isn’t really on her team now.

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Rio notices that Agatha acts the same way around Billy as she had her son, Nicholas Scratch.
They then debate Rio’s impact on Agatha’s life, and it’s obvious that the previous suspicions were correct.
Agatha has saved her own skin by sacrificing other witches to Rio.
That agreement plays a factor here, as Agatha gets to escape if she can bring The Teen to Rio.

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Apparently, if Billy gets killed, he’ll reincarnate again and be permanently beyond Death’s grasp. So, it’s an inside job.
Agatha will trick Billy, deliver him to Rio, and then depart the Witches’ Road with her prize.
Right around this time, Bily and Jennifer reappear on the Road. They’re discussing Agatha.
At the worst possible moment, Billy loudly states, “I’m fully aware that Agatha Harkness can never be anything but a coven-less witch.”
Agatha hears him, which gives her good reason to cross him later and be relatively guilt-free about it, at least by her murderous standards.
The Trial of Jennifer Kale

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The remaining trio agrees to finish the Final Trial. So, they head in that direction, only to discover a surprise.
They’ve walked in a complete circle and are now back at the start. Agatha realizes this when she trips over their shoes.
A frustrated Teen looks at the abandoned shoes and angrily rebels by wearing them.
The next shot shows someone opening a zipper, which proves to be The Teen inside his body bag.
Soon afterward, Agatha and Jennifer do the same. But before I move ahead, I want to highlight something.
When Rio exited the earlier conversation, she literally walked to the end of the set and cut open a spot in the curtain.

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She didn’t just break the fourth wall. She knifed it. Agatha watched all this unfold, which strongly suggests they know it’s an illusion.
Now, when Agatha trips on the shoes, she seems confused that the Witches’ Road is a circle.

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Despite her previous comments, she has clearly never walked the Witches’ Road before. She’s barely even hiding it now.
Therefore, it’s interesting when the Final Trial begins. I half-expected someone to call out the façade.

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Instead, the Green Witch’s Trial begins, which is a problem since the original Green Witch is dead. And the new Green Witch is Death.
This scene includes a couple of fascinating surprises, the first of which is that it was Agatha who bound Jennifer.

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She didn’t know this, as it was something she set up in exchange for banknotes.
The two women figure this out together, and the understandably angry Kale, aka “the worst vegetable,” performs the unbinding.

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With her power restored, Jennifer cries tears of joy and relief and then…vanishes from the Trial.
The Trial of Agatha Harkness

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Agatha explains that the Road gave her what she was missing, and now she’s gone. She seems to fight a smirk as she says this.
Now, Agatha and The Teen debate how to beat the Trial on their own. The ceiling lights go dark, notating the remaining time.

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Darkness is falling on the Final Trial of the Witches’ Road. It’s so very Halloween-appropriate…and yes, this episode aired on October 30th.
Agatha tells The Teen to juice her so that she’ll have the power to do something. He won’t risk that.

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So, she tries to help him unlock his power again. The mentor/protégé remains to the end.
Agatha wants Billy to find another body, ostensibly for Tommy. Eventually, Billy finds one.

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Agatha wants him to experience it and possibly inhabit it, although it may be a trick.
The Teen trusts his tutor despite everything he’s witnessed, though. So, he finds a drowning teenager and debates his ethics.

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Billy could replace him, as he’s got no one who would miss him.
Before The Teen performs this action, he asks his tutor the all-encompassing question:

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“Agatha, am I killing this boy so my brother can live?” The boy rises from the water, indicating life. Then, Billy vanishes.
Seconds later, an agonized Agatha quietly replies, “No, Billy. Sometimes, boys die.” And she’s crying, clearly remembering her son.

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Believe it or not, that tear plays into the solution for the final Trial. All alone in a darkening space, Agatha checks her locket.
The hidden item within it is a lock of her son’s hair. After a moment, she waters the hair with her tear and places it in the soil that inexplicably sits beside her.

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A flower grows, and Agatha Harkness completes the Final Trial.
Boss Fight

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The witch escapes the Witches’ Road, only to return to the shed in her home. Rio sits on her roof and laughs tauntingly.
Agatha shouts, “Where is it? I want my prize.” Death replies, “So do I.”

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Our anti-hero argues that she got Billy out of the Witches’ Road as agreed. But Rio counters that he didn’t surrender himself.
Yeah, they’re gonna fight now. But before they do, the camera cuts to Herb from across the street.

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Yup, we’re back in Westview, and Herb reaaaaaally should sell his home.
Two of the other WandaVision actors are also staring at the sky and thinking, “Here we go again…” This joke kills.

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Speaking of kills, Rio wants Agatha dead. That doesn’t happen, though.
A savior arrives in the form of the fully empowered Billy Maximoff, who is hooded, costumed, and ready to wreck Death.
Agatha tells him that he looks good, and he tells her his plan with his eyes. Then, he simply states pensively, “Don’t take it all.”
Billy supercharges Agatha, thereby potentially sacrificing his own life. This time, Agatha stops herself before killing a fellow witch.

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At this point, Rio knocks Billy from the battle, and the exes fight it out in the sky. It’s Westview Witch Battle II!
Agatha…loses, saying, “We can’t fight Death.” One of them must sacrifice themself for the other. Agatha says, “It should be me.”

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Billy heroically offers himself instead, and Agatha basically says, “Okay, works for me.” She’s outta there.
Before she leaves, The Teen asks one simple question telepathically. “Is this how Nicky died?”

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The words strike him, causing Agatha’s heart to grow three sizes and then kiss Death.
Agatha Harkness dies.

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I am not joking. She is dead and isn’t coming back.
The Epiphany of Billy Maximoff

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A forlorn Billy returns to his room after Death – with her scary face on – tells him that he can go.
You can interpret that to mean he is beyond her reach or not. I think it’s intentionally left vague, but Agatha thinks she did her part.

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That would suggest that The Teen isn’t beyond Death’s reach. It’s up for debate, though.
Billy returns home to his relieved parents and then heads to his room. And here’s where the first big twist occurs.

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Billy notices the Lorna Wu poster on his wall. As he glances around the room, various elements from the Witches’ Road are visible.
He has a Wicked Witch figurine, a Ouija board, hanging leaves that resemble the road, and a picture straight from one of the Trials.

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Billy hears Agatha’s voice, quoting things about how the Witches’ Road isn’t real, and he has the same tell as Wanda.
Finally, Billy sees three shoes that resemble the ones Agatha tripped over earlier in the episode.

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The implication here is clear. The Witches’ Road is a product Billy Maximoff has created from his imagination.
His odd behavior mimics that of his mother, who turned Westfield, New Jersey, into a multi-generational sitcom setting.

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The Witches’ Road wasn’t real until Billy made it, which is why Agatha didn’t know about the looping road.
More importantly, this reveal explains how she noticed his tell. Agatha realized that he’d created the entire set of Trials. It’s all been an illusion.

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The episode ends with Agatha’s disembodied voice laughing. Then, she says, “BOO!” And the episode ends.
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