With the future of the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy approaching its most transformative installment, one of the team’s veteran actors has returned as Vin Diesel announces he is back in the booth as...
Filming for Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 has been well underway after filming started at the end of last year. We know of a few familiar faces returning and that the movie will...
In an article posted to the Entertainment Weekly website on Monday, December 6th, 2021, even more details were revealed about the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind roller coaster, opening in Summer 2022...
In a Tweet sent on Tuesday, November 30th, 2021, the official Twitter account for the Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy video game highlighted a pair of books that can help you read up on...
In a Tweet sent on Friday, November 11th, 2021, the official Guardians of the Galaxy Twitter account revealed that Glenn Close will be reprising the role of Nova Prime for the upcoming Guardians of...
Last time, I stated the decidedly minority opinion that Guardians of the Galaxy isn’t a good movie. At best, it’s a bad movie that people love. Now, I’ll throw you another change-up by stating...
Prepare for heartbreak, Marvel Blog True Believers: it turns out that we almost got a series of one-shot shorts that led into the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. On top of this, this...
Here’s where I turn heel. In 2014, Marvel proved once and for all that its movies could do no wrong, as a misfit bunch of intergalactic criminals won society’s heart. In Guardians of the...
Are you familiar with the mobile phone app Heads Up!? Even if you haven’t played it yourself, you may have seen other people playing it in the queue for some of your favorite attractions...
In an appearance on the “Happy Sad Confused” podcast, James Gunn confirmed that the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie would focus on Rocket’s tragic origin story. Thrilled at last to have @JamesGunn on...