Are Hulk and Wolverine Returning to the Big Screen? Together?
A pair of posts from point to upcoming projects involving two of the biggest Marvel characters – Hulk and Wolverine.
The story goes, Disney/Marvel secured the full rights to the Hulk. And the ancillary story is that Marvel Studios may use a Hulk solo movie as a way to introduce Wolverine into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
What They’ve Heard

Image: Marvel Studios
According to sources close to WGTC – the same ones who told us a She-Hulk show was coming to Disney Plus, WB is developing a Justice League Dark series for HBO Max and [SPOILERS] would be revealed as a traitor in The Rise of Skywalker – Marvel has reportedly gotten the rights back to the Hulk, which Universal-owned for many years. Of course, this was rumored a few months ago, but our sources have confirmed that it’s indeed happened and that means the door is now open to make another solo Hulk movie. Though just like with the Fantastic Four, Marvel Studios will no doubt be hoping that the third time’s the charm for the hero.
Then, We Got This Covered’s Scott Campbell added:

Image: Marvel Studios
We’ve now received word though that not only have Marvel Studios secured the rights to the Hulk, but they’re planning something big for his first major outing as a leading man. According to our sources – the same ones who told us a She-Hulk show is coming to Disney Plus, Ahsoka Tano will cameo in The Mandalorian and a Justice League Dark series is in the works for HBO Max, all of which were correct – the much-rumored Hulk vs. Wolverine movie is back on the table, and in the very early stages of development.
Campbell also wrote:

Image: Marvel
Apparently, the current plan is to reward Mark Ruffalo with a starring role, while also introducing the MCU’s Wolverine into the franchise, which looks to be a daunting task for any actor faced with the prospect of stepping into Hugh Jackman’s shoes. It wouldn’t happen for a few years yet, we’re told, but given that Ruffalo has admitted he’d love to cross paths with the adamantium-infused mutant, we imagine it won’t be long before he gets his wish.
Hold On A Second
Okay, okay. It’s fun to get excited about both possibilities; a Hulk movie or possibly a Hulk vs. Wolverine outing.
However, no matter the veracity of the rumors, COVID-19 has already shuffled up schedule, staff, and financials for all of the entities involved.
Also, while Mark Ruffalo is open to returning as the Hulk. Hugh Jackman is not anxious to return as The Wolverine.
So, the decision making for any Hulk movie presumes a desire for Disney/Marvel to tread where two solo movies have failed AND executives would need to feel comfortable rebooting the most beloved character from the old X-Men universe; never mind feeling comfortable handing off the role to a younger actor.
BTW: Don’t forget that the last X-Men movie — Dark Phoenix — is considered a flop in most circles (even though this author enjoyed it):
OH, and other rumors point to Kevin Feige wanting Captain Marvel to lead The Avengers 2.0 – Google it.
So, why would the MCU boss clog the synapses by having the distraction of two “old school” heroes come to the fore as Marvel looks to move on to “Phase 5.”
On April 10, posted:

Image: Marvel Studios
By all accounts, Captain Marvel will be leading Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by the time a fifth Avengers film comes around. Overall, Phase 4 seems to be focused on setting up which heroes will make up the next core line-up. On the Disney+ side, that means a new Captain America, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye.
But on the big screen, the goal appears to be promoting characters like Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel to serving as first-string Avengers. With Carol Danvers as the most likely leader, it makes sense for her second solo movie to round out this transitional phase and key up the next villain.
Besides, it doesn’t make sense for Captain Marvel to sit out an entire phase without a new film. And as it has evolved from one phase to the next, the MCU has gotten more and more ambitious. So don’t be surprised if Captain Marvel 2 become the climactic chapter of Phase 4, keeping her front and center for whatever comes next.
Anyway, as excited as I get about seeing Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk and a new Wolverine, I would love to see a “Wolverine” character come to the MCU via Logan’s “Laura” — a.k.a. X-23 — making her way “back from Canada.” Dafne Keen, who was fabulous as Laura, continues to act.

Image: Marvel
And then there’s also The New Mutants to consider:
So, my advice on these amazing Hulk and Wolverine rumors — even if they are true — is to sit back, relax, and wait for Marvel to put things out on the table. That way you won’t be angry when it doesn’t turn out the way you like or assume.
We don’t like it when you’re angry.
3 Responses
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